Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hives of Activity

So the Bees are our new neighbors in the back. Cameron and Kamie and Cameron's brothers Chris and Matt and Father Tim came with the 3 hives from Knights Bees. It is quite a science, this beekeeping. Dale and I have a lot to learn. Cameron and his brothers and father all have had a year of experience in this endeavor and are willing to teach us. 

This is Cameron's brother Chris, a willing transporter. Those are bees in the screened frame. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Personal Store

I went to check the nest boxes mid morning. Sure enough, one in the box. A warm glow settled inside me...I have  my own personal store! I walked back to the pen and threw my hens a healthy dandelion I'd pulled from the flower bed. Then I returned to the nesting box. Grandson Porter was there and he grabbed the egg (I flinched, hoping it wouldn't break) and ran into the house to show his mother, Emery. He looked like a running back with a football cradled in his hands. 
The boys count it a privilege to be the one to bring in the eggs. 

A Sip and a Chat

I want to plant flowers around the beehives as one would do at the front door of a white clapboard country home with porch and swing and a glass of lemonade enticing a sip and a chat. Don't you think the Bees would like that? 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It Will BEE so Sweet

The hives are set in the orchard by the west fence, under the tall old apricot tree. Richard put them on cement blocks lined up in a row of three white townhouses for all the world like a Park Place P.U.D. Surely they will entice the noblest queens and their royal families of worker bees. How could this not be the promise of sweetness to come? Saturday......Sweet Saturday....the day the BEES move in. 

The Little Red Hen

Having backyard chickens which donate fresh eggs, really fresh eggs for breakfast makes me think of the story of The Little Red Hen. I think my 4 little red hens (and one black and white checked Wyandotte who is a queenly fowl) are so smart and their eggs are so yummy. One hen lays an egg that is freckled....and all of the 4 to 5 eggs collected daily are a warm brown color...the color of rich melted caramels. I want to gather them in a special little basket and take them around to my friends and show them what adorably productive Little Red Hens (and one black and white Wyandotte) live at Gran E's Roost. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chicken Farmers

Ethan was glad to pose for this picture as he was checking for eggs.

No privacy in this hen house!

I want to get them...3 eggs this time in this one box!

EGGstra Special

This first egg was so remarkable! The hen laid right in the nesting box, just like it was planned. I feel like crowing! 
Cock-a- doodle-doo!

These pullets below are Araucanas. We had 5 to begin with. The black one facing the camera had pushed under the chicken wire and then was unable to free itself. In that precarious position it was attacked by the larger hens and died a few days later.